IT leaders need to stand out from the crowd and get the attention of their peers. This means they need to be more confident about devising a plan based on their own viewpoint – and convincing the rest of the management team that the idea is solid enough to produce major business benefits.
Rather than focus on what worked yesterday, CIOs and other IT management team members should focus on where they think the organization should go in the future. Too many executives are comfortable with the way things worked in the past, but with constant technological change, this is no longer viable. In other words a CIO has to create the map, not just follow one.
A CIO will need more than just facts and figures – they will need to be great storytellers too. They’ll have to paint a compelling picture of their vision, how it will benefit the organization and the quickest route to get there.
In order to create a realistic vision that other executives will appreciate, follow these tips:
Treat IT like a business
Many organizations struggle with trying to make sure that IT doesn’t become too enamored by technology. This results in the deployment in new services just because they are cutting edge. Treat your vision and your IT department like a business – make choices based on how much is being spent on projects and who is driving those expenditures.
Embrace the cloud
Many organizations are turning to the cloud for their disaster recovery strategy. This is a smart corporate move, particularly when you look at organizations that have lost major revenues and data due to natural disasters. Security and costs are typically in line with an organization’s disaster recovery plan. The cloud can also help with making mobile apps and other platforms.
Eliminate the word “workstation” from your vocabulary
There has been a rapid transition from the traditional ‘workstation’ at a desk to a more modern personal device that an employee can use anywhere. Forward-thinking CIOs encourage the use of personal devices for work purposes, and some organizations allow employees to spend a certain amount every year on new technology. Part of the IT vision should include a policy so that employees understand how they can access the data, and of course, protect the data.
Increase Social Marketing
It may have taken several years, but many organizations have finally gone social, albeit grudgingly. CIOs understand that social media is not a fad and is not going away anytime soon. If an organization is using social media as part of their marketing strategy, they should increase it even more. This strategy involves learning how consumers are finding media, how they’re reading it and what drives them to purchase. Once that has been understood, then a strategy can be put in place to meet those consumer needs.
Creating a realistic IT vision and then selling that vision to other executives takes thought and planning. CIOs must consider what is going to work tomorrow, not yesterday and be firm in their belief that what they are proposing is the best thing for the company.