With all of the focus on the latest and greatest technologies, we sometimes forget what’s really behind digital enterprise innovation – talented people.
Today’s technology is more powerful than ever, and companies are embracing it because it is changing how business is done, creating opportunities and transforming lives. Thriving in this "digital era" means that leaders across all industries must increase the speed of the three critical ingredients for digital success:
The way to ramp up a company’s digital power quotient is to invest in well-trained talent. Automation, algorithms, digital platforms and machine learning are drastically changing the face of the human employee with regard to:
It’s the people behind the machines who power real digital innovation.
Nurturing Digital Talent Clusters
If companies are to thrive in the digital era, they must carve out a new set of digital competencies for a range of tasks, including cybersecurity, web and mobile development and Big Data. Leaders must have a thorough understanding of the ways their talent clusters will need to engage in co-innovation platform initiatives where product and partner data come together to form new and compelling user experiences.
Today, companies must embrace the idea of experimental business processes and harness the emerging opportunities. Multi-dimensional teams that focus on serving a single customer segment or functional need are the norm. There must be a way to master the interplay between humans and machines in order to make this digital age work.
6 Core Competencies for an Innovative Digital Workplace
Beginner’s Mind
The days of carefully developing new products and processes via bureaucratic strategies are gone. Instead, successful companies must take on many of the attributes of a start-up – speed, creativity, action, risk and collaboration. Savvy leaders are prepared to act, encouraging human creativity that will move their businesses forward and provide the right balance between digital processes and human talent.
Customer-Driven Decision Making
The drive to change must be dealt with at all levels and at a pace that today’s equally savvy consumer demands. Companies must embed human-powered design into everything they do. It’s not just about hiring talented people to analyze data and design processes based on that data. Both CEO’s and IT leaders must understand that their customer is the true driving force behind the revenue stream; it is the customer who counts the most. Assessing and responding to their needs is more important than ever before, and if industry leaders aren’t quick enough to respond, then they will surely lose valuable revenue and loyal customers.